Installation Guide

Step-by-Step Installation

Follow these steps to install Git, Node.js, NPM, and the Nano text editor on a fresh Ubuntu VPS:

Step 1: Install Git

1. Update the package list: 
sudo apt update
2. Install Git:
sudo apt install git -y
3. Verify Git installation:
git --version

Step 2: Install Node.js and NPM

1. Add the Node.js repository: 
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
2. Update the package list:
sudo apt update
3. Install Node.js and NPM:
sudo apt install nodejs -y
4. Verify Node.js and NPM installation:
node --version
npm --version

Step 3: Install Nano text editor

1. Update the package list: 
sudo apt update
2. Install Nano:
sudo apt install nano -y
3. Verify Nano installation:
nano --version
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