Installing PufferPanel and Setting Up ngrok

PufferPanel Installation Guide

Step 1: Update Package List

sudo apt update

Step 2: Install Git

sudo apt install git

Step 3: Clone the Installation Repository

git clone

Step 4: Change Directory

cd pufferpanel-install

Step 5: Install Additional Packages

sudo apt install curl sudo systemctl -y

Step 6: Run the Installation Script


Step 7: Install wget

sudo apt install wget -y

Step 8: Run ngrok Script


Setting Up ngrok

Step 1: Create an ngrok Account

1. Go to ngrok's website and sign up for a free account.
2. After signing up, log in to your account.

Step 2: Download ngrok

1. Download the ngrok binary for your operating system from the ngrok download page.
2. Extract the downloaded file and place the ngrok binary in a directory accessible from your PATH.

Step 3: Authenticate ngrok

1. Copy your authentication token from the ngrok dashboard (available in the Auth Token page).
2. Open a terminal and run the following command:

ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTHTOKEN

Step 4: Start ngrok Tunnel

1. To start a tunnel, run the following command in the terminal, replacing `YOUR_PORT` with the port number you want to expose:

ngrok http YOUR_PORT

2. ngrok will provide a public URL which you can use to access your PufferPanel installation remotely.

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